Double Mitzvah
This morning, I jumped out of bed and got ready to go to my girls. But this morning was slightly different than the others because a ...

Too Tov Tuesday
The adrenaline from our mini color war last night had worn off by the time we all woke up, only a few short hours later, to begin our...

Sizzlin' Shabbat
Shabbat at AS is always special. We began the evening with an enthusiastic Kabbalat Shabbat, complete with singing and dancing. This...

FAST Track
The second I woke up I washed up so I could get to my girls immediately. When I got to my kids they were coloring and relaxing due to it...

Three Words
Being in achuzat Sarah for the past week and a half made me realize the impact three words can have on an individual. When I entered...

Slide Show
We woke up this morning ready to go to a water park with our kids. When we got there, and saw all the "great" slides, we thought there...

Boker Tov
Waking up in the morning can be a very difficult task for many. This task is only made more difficult by extremely late bedtimes and...

House of Cards
I never thought a simple card game would have an impact on the way I think. This morning, when I woke up, I went to my kid's room and...

Treat House
We kicked off a HOT day at AS with a spa for the girls including mani/pedis, bracelet/necklace making, hair coloring, etc. while the boys...

Recharge and Reconnect
After a difficult yet rewarding introductory week with our kids, we took an off day and went to the beach. We had so much fun playing...