Small Acts Go a Long Way
Today, we were supposed to wake up early and go to Leket, but due to the sweltering 103 degree heat we were unable to do so. Instead, we woke up our kids and hung out with them indoors. Two of my girls and I decided to go on a walk through the streets of Afula and look at the different stores. Then we got back and hung out in their room just talking and laughing about random things. I've come to realize that by just hanging with my girls and doing nothing I grow closer to them. Then we had paint ball and when we got back we had a purim in July party and everyone dressed up and gave out mishloach manot. Later, I went to my girls room before we went to sleep and when I told them I had to leave for a meeting they were upset and didn't want me to leave. As I was leaving they said, "לילה טוב I love you", and this made me realize that even though through out the day just sitting with them was sometimes boring, it really showed them that there are people here who care and are here for them. I hope that my girls will continue to feel this way and our bonds will only grow stronger!